Savage’s narrow bed TFS straightening press is the perfect solution for straightening heavy shafts, tubes and round bars. The workpiece is loaded onto pressing anvils. The gantry is then traversed over the high spot on the shaft. Straightening accessories include: Power workpiece rotation, power lift, power anvil positioning and power rotation stand positioning along the bed. Narrow bed TFS presses are also used without rotation stands on structural bars and weldments.

Lift – Rotate – Straightenmore
Unit of Measure



1000 tons (t)



  • 1000 Ton Straightening Press for ocean floor core sampling drill bits
  • Ram stroke control to .001 in prevents overbending of workpiece
  • Powered lift and rotation of workpiece
  • Vee blocks and rotation devices powered for left and right travel
  • Straighten forged, rolled or centrifugally cast bars and tubes
  • Joystick controls ram movement
  • Traveling gantry and platform
  • Moving walkway pitcovers
  • L.E.D. position indicators for all accessories
  • Remote pendant control